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10 Cheapest Countries to Visit in Asia (and why you should visit them)

Sep 6, 2022 | Asia | 0 comments

Looking to visit an affordable destination? Asia is home to a range of beautiful destinations that come at a great price. From the beautiful beaches of countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, all the way to the Great Wall of China, there is a little something for everyone when traveling in Asia. 

What’s more, is that Asia, and in particular southeast Asia contains some of the cheapest countries to travel to in the world! 

Let’s go ahead and breakdown some of the best (and cheapest) countries to travel to in Asia.

What is the Cheapest Country to Visit in Asia?

In order to bring you a list of the cheapest country to visit in Asia, we used data from past travelers to get an accurate estimate. When doing so, we found that Laos was the cheapest country to visit in Asia overall at $16 per day per person on average, and that while Thailand is often touted as a cheap destination (it surely is one of the more popular ones), it actually was the most expensive country to visit on this list, costing $89 per person, per day on average.

CountryAverage Cost
(per person, per day)
Average Accommodation Cost
(per person, per day)
Average Food Costs
(per person, per day)
All data was collected from Feel free to check out their website to get more specific data on any location you are interested in. Additionally, please use their site when you travel to help us all get more accurate data!

While this may not be a perfect estimate of the cost to travel, it does provide a great rule of thumb as to how affordable the country tends to be overall for travelers. However, this data is collected by real travelers and is self-reported, which does lend it some credibility.

1. Laos – $16 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit Laos?

Slightly off the beaten path from its more famous neighbors, Vietnam and Thailand, Laos still has a lot to offer to the curious traveler. In fact, Laos shares a similar modern history with Vietnam as both countries underwent a period of French colonialism. Moreover, like much of Southeast Asia, Laotian people are incredibly hospitable and kind to tourists.

However, what seems to set Laos apart, other than the fact that it is much more low-key than its neighbors is that it tends to have a lot of adventure sports and outdoor activities. This makes a bit of sense when you consider that Laos is a landlocked nation, so while you won’t be able to experience beaches in Laos, you will be to explore one of its many rivers and beautiful forests.

2. Nepal – $31 Per Person, Per Day

Nepal is famous for the Himalayas a set of mountains which run within the country and along Nepal’s border with China. So, it is no surprise if you go to Nepal you can have some serious outdoor adventures. For instance, you could go hiking on one of Nepal’s many mountains. If water is more your thing, Nepal has many lakes and rivers where you can do outdoor activities as well.

Simply put, more than anywhere on this list Nepal is great for outdoor activities, but also has a lot to offer in terms of temples and other cultural sites.

3. India – $33 Per Person, Per Day

Next on this list is India, which is quite a diverse destination when compared to the others on this list. While it may not be as easy to travel to some of the other destinations on this list from India, India is still a great place to visit. Indian culture is very unique, and they have some of the best and most famous food in the world (which also happens to be very cheap).

Moreover, India is a very large country, so there is no shortage of things to do. But, if you’re looking for a the quick answer as to what to do in India, the answer is certainly to visit the Taj Mahal.

4. Cambodia – $49 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit Cambodia?

Cambodia is well known for its breathtaking landscapes, cultural sites, and hospitable people. The cultural heritage of Cambodia is quite evident in the photo of Angkor Wat Temple shown above, which is just one of the many temples in Cambodia. What’s more, Cambodia has a similar reputation to Thailand, wherein the people are known for being incredibly hospitable and welcoming of visitors.

5. Indonesia – $49 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit Indonesia?

Indonesia, like many nations in Southeast Asia, has loads of beautiful beaches that come at an affordable price. Without a doubt, the most famous destination of Indonesia would have to be Bali, which is nicknamed ‘Island of the Gods’ due to the fact that it looks like a paradise and holds deep spirituality. The image selected, a temple surrounded by lush plants, helps convey the spirit of Bali, although no picture may do it justice.

6. Vietnam – $51 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit Vietnam?

Located in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is a vibrant country with plenty of history, culture, and stunning landscapes to explore. Moreover, the weather in this beautiful, coastal country tends to stay above 70°F (21°C), making it a splendid destination year-round. You just need to take note of when the rainy season is for the destination you would like to go to, especially if it is a beach town.

Don’t be fooled by the nation’s tropical weather and amazing beaches, Vietnam still has much to offer beyond this, and you surely won’t be disappointed should you choose to visit.

Looking to find more places to explore in Vietnam? Check out our post on the must-visit cities of Vietnam.

7. The Philippines – $52 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit The Philippines?

The Philippines is a truly great vacation spot. It is home to over 7,000 islands, yet also contains many mountainous and urban landscapes as well. So, whether you want to go to the beaches of Boracay, see the urban sights of Manila, or check out the Taal Volcano, the Philippines surely has something for you!

Moreover, English speakers will feel right at home as the Philippines has the second best English in Asia according to Human Resources Online. This is because English is one of the official languages of the Philippines. While, the top spot goes to Singapore, which while it is a beautiful nation, it unfortunately does not usually work well for traveling on a budget. So, for our purposes, The Philippines actually has the best English on this list.

8. China – $66 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit China?

China is a nation which needs very little introduction. Home to nearly one in five people in the world, China is a massive nation with a rich history spanning over 5,000 years. While the nation has been rapidly developing, there are still plenty of opportunities for travelers to explore the nation and its rich history. In fact, many of the greatest spots to visit in China are a little off the beaten path.

9. Malaysia – $67 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit Malaysia?

Malaysia is famous for its cultural, religious, linguistic diversity. Malaysians also speak English quite well, just behind the Philippines, meaning that travelers who do not speak Malay will not have an issue whatsoever. This is primarily because the second official language of Malaysia is English.

Malaysia is home to a range of beaches, stunning rainforests, and unique wildlife as well. This, combined with its tropical climate makes it a great destination. Although, as you may have guessed from the presence of rainforests, if you are looking for beachgoing you will certainly need to watch out for the Monsoon season this is from May to September in the Southwest and from November to March in the Northeast.

10. Thailand – $89 Per Person, Per Day

Why Visit Thailand?

Thailand, also known as The Land of Smiles, is famous for its great food and friendly locals. In fact, it is thought that Thailand has some of the best hospitality in the world. Furthermore, Thailand’s tourism industry is very well developed, so fear-not if you are an English speaker, as you should be able to get by. However, it is still best to learn at least a few basic phrases for courtesy and respect. Whether you’re looking for a beach spot, some nightlife, amazing food, or some incredible cultural sites. Thailand has it all.

What’s more, Thailand has over 300 islands. That means that if you want to go beachgoing you are sure to be able to find a beach that has the right mix of popularity and serenity that you desire.